Krelbit’s Corner

Last Updated September 19 2022

These are sets designed by me, that haven’t yet had any formal IC. Think of this as like a blog for colorway ideas that might probably make it into IC or production. I’ll be adding sets to this page whenever I come up with something that might eventually be worth persuing. All renders posted on this page are early-stage or mid-stage color tests. They will be updated as the set evolves.

Entry 1: Midori


This is Midori, it’s namesake being みどりの日, or Greenery Day, a holiday that falls along the Japanese Golden Week.

This set is still far in it’s planning phase, kitting has not been completed, only color-proofs have been and will be worked on for some time.

I wanted to make another green set, but I didn’t want to step on the toes of a different nature-related GMK set that I had also made, GMK Ki. By overcommitting onto the green, I felt that this could make them different enough, and so Midori was made.

Like GMK Ki, This set would feature UV-printed sub-legends, and shrugs, trees, and sprouts as novelties. I will probably re-use the 木 novelty from GMK Ki in this set, it still fits the theme.

I really like the idea of a pastel-yellow-green being used for alphas. However if this set ever makes IC or GB, that would also be the biggest problem in colormatching. I’ve been burned on some GMK sets I thought were pastels in the past, only for the caps to turn out really really solid and bright, so it would definitely be in my priority to get right.

All colors were picked from RAL Design colors.